Saturday, February 17, 2007

Agloco, Internet Milik Semua

pernahkan anda berfikir berapa jam anda seharian menggunakan internet? satu jam, dua jam, atau tiga jam? atau seharian penuh? apa yang anda dapatkan? mungkin anda hanya menggunakan internet sebagai sarana komunikasi seperti email, chating, atau hanya sekedar membaca atau mengambil informasi melalui aktivitas browsing

Sadarkah anda berapa berharganya anda dimata para bisnis internet?
Para pengusaha Pemasang iklan (advertiser) , perusahaan penyedia layanan pencarian (search provider) seperti google, atau perusahain retail online membayar miliyaran rupiah untuk setiap situs yang anda kunjungi. berapa banyak uang yang anda dapatkan dari mereka?.

Anda berhak mendapatkan bagian
AGLOCO mendapat bayaran dari perusahaan pemasang iklan dan agloco akan membayar  anda melalui software Viewbar™ yang anda pasang.
Agloco akan berikan uang itu untuk anda karena anda berhak.

Bangun Komunitas, dapatkan uang
Melalui program referal AGLOCO ini , anda akan di bayar karena jasa anda membantu membesarkan dan membangun Komunitas Global. Semakin besar komunitas yang anda kembangkan semakin banyak/besar uang yang anda dapatkan dari AGLOCO 

Apa yang harus anda Modalkan?
Tidak dibutuhkan modal apa-apa. Anda hanya diminta registrasi email (Sign up), kemudian refer kepada teman-teman anda, download free/gratis Viewbar™ software dan surfing Internet seperti biasa.

Semua informasi anda tidak akan pernah dijual, direntalkan, atau dibagi ke orang lain. kami akan menjaga sepenuhnya.

Menjadi Member Agloco

Untuk menjadi member AGLOCO™ sangatlah mudah hanya dengan melengkapi registrasi halaman pendaftaran (nama, umur, lokasi dan alamat e-mail ).

  • Pendaftaran atau sign up tidak memerlukan waktu lebih dari 2 menit.
  • Untuk menjadi anggota tidak diperlukan bayaran. Semuanya gratissssssss 100%
  • Semua informasi mengenai anda akan terjaga. kita sangat tahu dan sangat  memegang undang-undang privacy dalam dunia internet. tidak ada data  informasi dari anggota kami seorangpun  yang akan kami berikan ke pihak lain tanpa seijin anda.
  • So? Ikutlah  menjadi bagian kami dari sekarang. menjadi anggota pertama memungkinkan anda memperoleih benefit lebih banyak.
  • Ajaklah teman-teman anda, rekan kerja, ayah, tante, nenek, tetangga menjadi bagian  dari anda dan kami. bangunlah masa depan internet dengan jaringan  ekonomi internet.
  • Anda browsing anda dapat, karena anda berhak!!

Ayo gabung sekarang tunggu apalagi

Ajaklah Sahabat-sahabat Anda

Direct referral adalah kawan-kawan anda yang anda ajak langsung  untuk bergabung pada agloco network anda (downline pertama)

Extended referral adalah orang-orang yang berhasil di rekrut oleh direct riferral anda.

Mengapa anda perlu mengajak kawan?

Anda akan dibayar untuk setiap jam direct dan extended referral anda surfing (menejalajah internet) yaitu diatas 5 jam/ bulan. dan riferral anda tidak akan kehilang apapun selama proses surfing.

Membangun Jaringan Agloco Anda
Ketika anda mengajak kawan anda menjadi direct riferral anda, dan kawan anda mengajak orang lain untuk menjadi drirect riferallnya maka sesungguhnya anda telah membangun jaringan anda dengan kokoh. tidak terbatas berapa jumlah riferral yang anda rekrut. no limit. semakin luas jaringan anda maka jaringan anda semakin kuat dan kokoh dan semakin besar benefit yang akan anda peroleh

Tingkatkan terus pendapatan anda
Jika jaringan anda telah luas. maka pendapatan yang anda peroleh akan besar juga. jadi terus ajak kawan anda untuk bergabung bersama kami membangun Jaringan Ekonomi yang kokoh.

Download ViewBar™ Agloco

AGLOCO Viewbar™ sebuah toolbar yang akan berada di bagian bawah browser anda.

AGLOCO Viewbar™ memungkinkan anda mendapatkan penghasilan dari AGLOCO ketika anda sedang browsing internet.

AGLOCO Viewbar™ akan mencatat aktifitas internet anda selagi surfing dan menyimpan informasi ini ke server AGLOCO, gunanya untuk mengetahui site site apa yang anda tertarik untuk surfing. Karena PRIVACY sangat kami junjung tinggi, maka AGLOCO Viewbar™ akan berkomunikasi dengan server dengan tingkat keamanan yang sangat tinggi dan menjaga privacy anda

Orang pada bertanya-tanya "Apa ini bukan spyware?" jawabnya sangat simpel. AGLOCO Viewbar™ berlawanan 180 derajat dengan spyware, spyware masuk ke komputer anda tanpa anda ketahui dan mengambil informasi dari komputer anda tanpa anda ketahui dan hampir mustahil di buang tanpa adanya program anti spyware sedangkan AGLOCO Viewbar™ berbasis ijin anda dan bisa di off kan setiap saat anda mau dengan hanya satu klikan
Gambar AGLOCO Viewbar™ (saat ini masih versi beta) seperti di bawah ini.

Perhatian : AGLOCO Viewbar™ saat ini masih belum bisa di download dan masih dalam tahap percobaan, nanti akan di sebarkan kepada member saat sudah siap. Saat ini AGLOCO meminta anda untuk menyebarkan untuk mengembangkan jaringan, karena anda dan AGLOCO akan mendapat keuntungan yang besar.

AGLOCO Viewbar™ memiliki fitur:

  • Search Engine: ini yang memungkinkan AGLOCO mendapatkan uang untuk di bagi kepada anggotanya)

  • Contextual Ads: ini yang memungkinkan kita mendapatkan uang dari pemasang iklan

  • Anti fraud dan software lainnya :yang memungkinkan anda mendapatkan uang dari para pembuat software

  • Screenshot di desktop

    Bagaimana Agloco Bekerja

    AGLOCO™ Jaringan Ekonomi Internet Pertama

    Bisnis internet hari ini yang lagi berkembang adalah kekuatan jaringan sosial. Perusahaan seperti Youtube, MySpace dan facebook telah menghasilkan milyunan dolar, karena bisnis yang mereka jalani berbasis pelayanan sosial sehingga menghasilkan banyak sekali pemasang iklan di site mereka. Sewaktu jaringan-jaringan sosial ini bertambah besar, potensi ekonomi untuknya pemilik – dan pemasang iklan yang sasaran site’s pemakai – luar biasa.

    Di AGLOCO™ , Ada pertanyaan yang sangat sederhana: para pemakai internet membuat jaringan sosial, dimana mereka mendapatkan bagian keuntungan dari pemasang iklan yang jumlahnya milyaran tadi??

    Dari pertanyaan di atas AGLOCO™ membuat ide untuk membangun jaringan ekonomi internet yang pertama di dunia dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan jaringan sosial berbasis internet agar secara langsung memberikan manfaat kepada member yang membantu mengembangkan jaringan sosial.

    Untuk menjadi member AGLOCO™ sangatlah mudah hanya dengan melengkapi registrasi halaman pendaftaran (nama, umur, lokasi dan alamat e-mail ) Setelah anda menjadi anggota anda akan di suruh untuk mendownload software Viewbar™ (saat ini software ini masih dalam pengembangan dan dalam waktu dekat akan segera di luncurkan dan para member akan dikasih tahu ketika software ini siap di download)

    AGLOCO™ menghasilkan uang untuk para membernya dengan jalan :
    # Search (mesin Pencari) : tiap kali anda menggunakan Viewbar™ untuk search di internet, AGLOCO mendapatkan uang dari setiap penyedia mesin pencari (seperti pada mesin pencari Google, mereka membayar rata-rata sebesar $0.10 tiap untuk setiap pencarian di search engine mereka)

    # Advertising (Iklan) : Viewbar™ yang anda install akan menampilkan iklan sesuai dengan website yang anda kunjungi, ketika anda klik dan melakukan transaksi, maka AGLOCO akan mendapatkan bayaran dari hasil referal, dan uang ini yang oleh AGLOCO di bagikan kepada membernya

    # Transaction commissions

    # Software distribution

    Anggota AGLOCO menghasilkan uang dengan jalan:
    # Pendapatan para anggota dengan penggunaan software viewbar tiap bulannya

    # Pendapatan juga di dapat dari referal anda dalam merekrut anggota baru

    Kenapa Harus Join Sekarang???
    # Pertama, Karena program ini 100% Gratis, anda tidak di minta biaya apapun, tidak di minta kartu kredit, jadi ngga rugi apapun selain waktu kurang dari 5 menit untuk registrasi

    # Kedua, Kalo anda mendaftar sekarang, maka anda bisa langsung membentuk jaringan anda sekarang juga, semakin besar jaringan yang anda bentuk semakin banyak uang yang bisa anda hasilkan

    Saat ini untuk mengajak orang lain untuk bergabung dengan jaringan ini sangatlah mudah dan simpel, Buruan sebelum temen anda di rekrut oleh orang lain..
    Ingat Semakin besar jaringan yang anda kembangkan (semakin banyak orang yang anda rekrut) peluang mendapatkan uang akan semakin besar...
    -Rekrut teman, saudara, kawan sejawat anda dengan mengirimkan e-mail (Tidak boleh mengirimkan spam yang berisi ajakan untuk ikut program ini)
    -Manfaatkan Blog anda atau website anda untuk mengajak orang lain masuk jaringan ini. pasang link yang memudahkan orang untuk mendaftar ke program ini.

    JAdilah bagian dari Bisnis berbasis jaringan Internet pertama di dunia ini
    Join AGLOCO -- Miliki Internet

    Kebijakan Privasi

    As an Infomediary, the purpose of is to use technology to enable businesses to interact with consumers in highly personalized ways, without forfeiting the privacy of the user. Therefore privacy is at the core of AGLOCO™.

    We do not give, sell, rent, share, or trade any identifiable personal information regarding our members to any third party, with the exception of third-party contractors and service providers who work with AGLOCO to provide the Viewbar and other services, and who are strictly prohibited from later use of the information that they may have access to. We will disclose personal information to local, state, or federal law enforcement officials when we believe in good faith that the law requires it.

    This Privacy Policy provides both members of the AGLOCO™ service and visitors to the website with information about what information we collect, to what uses that information is put, and to whom that information may be given. If you become a member of AGLOCO™, the membership agreement encompasses the provisions that are explained by this document. If you are only a visitor to our website, this Privacy Policy is our promise to you about how information about your visit will be handled.

    This document is a "work in progress," insofar as certain portions may be updated from time to time as the programs and services we offer to our members change. However the principles upon which this document is based will not change, nor will our fundamental commitment to protecting the privacy of our members. We also welcome your continuing input into this policy. Please give us your feedback at

    AGLOCO™'s Privacy Policy and our information practices are based upon the eight principles of Fair Information Practices first issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in 1980. These guidelines continue to be the touchstone of all modern privacy laws and regulations, and the concepts set forth in them remain at the heart of privacy protection principles that guide all responsible businesses today. More information about the OECD's “Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data” may be found at: .

    Collection Limitation Principle adheres to the principle that the collection of personal information should be limited to that obtained through fair and lawful means and only with the knowledge and consent of the data subject.

    How we deliver: AGLOCO™ makes very clear our policies regarding our data gathering processes and seeks consent before obtaining personally identifiable data from the individual.

    Information We Collect from Visitors

    For visitors to our website, we gather only aggregate, non-personally identifying data about your visit to our website. If you visit AGLOCO™'s website (whether you are using AGLOCO™'s Viewbar™ software or not), AGLOCO™'s web servers log a number of basic pieces of information, including the following:

    * The URL (address) of the page(s) requested;
    * The time and date of the request(s) and the duration of your visit;
    * The "User Agent" (the make and model of the web browser being used, including the name and version of the operating system upon which that web browser is running);
    * The "Referrer" (the address of the site whose link you followed to get to our website);
    * The IP address and domain name of the computer to which we are sending pages for display by your web browser.

    For information about why we gather and how we use this information, see the Purpose Specification and Use Limitation sections of this Privacy Policy.

    Information We Collect from Members

    In our online registration form for new members of the service, we require you to provide us with your full name, full mailing address, email address and a password. In addition, we require your gender, birth date, and a password question with its corresponding answer, so that we may identify you if you ever lose your password.

    Certain information such as your name, address, email address, and birth date constitute "Personal Data" because that information can be used to directly or indirectly identify you. This information is collected and used according to the terms of this Privacy Policy. In the future, we may offer additional services that will have their own usage agreements and/or privacy policies. At the time those services are offered, you will be given an opportunity to review and accept those documents.

    For information about why we gather and how we use this information, see the Purpose Specification and Use Limitation sections of this Privacy Policy.

    Other Data We May Request from Members

    We may ask you for personal information at other times, including, but not limited to, when you enter a sweepstakes, contest or promotion sponsored by and/or when you report a problem with any of our services. Any data collected at those times will be used in accordance with this policy, unless otherwise explicitly stated at the time of collection. Many of those sweepstakes, contests, or promotions will have terms of service agreements associated with them and those agreements may differ from provisions of this policy. Therefore, it is important that you read and understand those agreements as the nature of those offerings may require different data privacy provisions that may supercede this Privacy Policy.

    Message Boards and Messaging Services

    If you utilize a message board or other messaging service operated by AGLOCO™, your use of those services is governed by the Terms of Service agreement associated with those services. If you choose to publish your e-mail address or publish other personal data, you do so at your own risk. If you have concerns regarding privacy issues related to the message boards or messaging services, or wish to have a message removed from the message boards for privacy-related reasons, you should contact for assistance.

    About Cookies

    If you decide to join the AGLOCO™ community, at the time you submit your registration, and any time you access your account information, AGLOCO™'s servers place a "session cookie." A cookie is a little piece of text stored by your browser on your computer, at the request of our server. Session cookies last until the conclusion of your visit to our website and allows our servers to correctly display pages based upon your account information.

    The process we use to serve advertisements and to enable certain personalized experiences, including the storage of certain user preferences on the AGLOCO™ website may involve the use of persistent cookies. These cookies remain stored over a longer period of time and help our ad serving vendors to make sure that you do not see the same ads repeatedly. Cookies received in this way are monitored by our ad-serving company, and we do not have access to this information. However, we have contractual arrangements that restrict our partners, including the ad-serving company, from using these cookies for anything other than fulfilling their service to We may also use cookies to deliver content specific to your interests, and to save your password so you don't have to re-enter it each time you connect to the Internet.

    You are always free to decline our cookies, if your browser permits, or to ask your browser to indicate when a cookie is being sent. You can also delete cookie files from your computer at your discretion. Note that if you decline our cookies or ask for notification each time a cookie is being sent, your Viewbar™ may not function properly and we may have difficulty rendering service to you. If you would like more information about cookies, you may wish to visit

    Sites Linked Via the website

    Information about you may be collected by advertisers, merchants or other third parties when you click through advertisements on the AGLOCO™ website. We have no control over the collection or handling of such data and urge you to review the privacy policies of those sites before providing them with personal data. is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

    A Special Note About Children wants to help parents protect the privacy of children and takes steps to obtain parental permission before children may join AGLOCO™. does not consider our web Site or services to be directed at children but some children may have signed up as Members. We have designed our parental consent process to comply with the requirements of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which is further described at the Federal Trade Commission's website at Under the provisions of that law, we require that children under 13 obtain parental permission before joining To remove your child from membership, please contact us at For more information about protecting children online, see "Kidz Privacy" at:

    Members are always free to quit the service and close their account by contacting Member Support at the email address

    Purpose Specification Principle adheres to the principle that the purposes for which personal data are collected should be specified at or prior to the time of collection, and that any subsequent use should be limited to the fulfillment of purposes not inconsistent with those purposes previously specified.

    How we deliver: We clearly specify the purposes for which we collect personal information from our members and restrict our usage of that data to purposes reasonably related to those described. Prior to any new data usage that may be beyond the scope of previously disclosed purposes, we will disclose such new uses and obtain the data subject's permission.

    Visitors to Our website

    We use information gathered from visitors to our website in an aggregate form to get a better understanding of where our visitors come from and to help us better design and organize our website. Although an IP address doesn't necessarily identify a visitor personally, it can sometimes suggest a connection to a particular individual or their computer, therefore we do not disclose the information contained in those logs to third parties unless compelled to by law. Information contained in our web server logs may be used in the course of fraud investigations.

    Members of Our Service

    We collect and process information about you in order to provide the services described in the Membership Agreement. We will process your information to administer your membership, determine your eligibility for certain services, provide services to you, and enable you to take advantage of other member benefits. In addition to the purposes specified under the Collection Limitation portion of this agreement, we will use the personal information provided by members to verify your identity, to protect against fraud, and to send you updates about your account, including new products and services that are specific to your membership and participation in AGLOCO™, as well as company news updates, and notices regarding our policies and practices.

    Use Limitation Principle adheres to the principle that personal data should not be disclosed, made available, or otherwise used for purposes other than those specified in accordance with the Purpose Specification Principle, except with the consent of the data subject or as required by law.

    How we deliver: AGLOCO™ treats each members' personal information as confidential and does not disclose it or use it except as stated in Membership Agreement and as further explained in this Privacy Policy. Specifically, AGLOCO™ will not disclose personally identifiable information about you to others unless:

    * you give AGLOCO™ explicit and specific prior permission, or

    * the disclosure is required by law or by warrant authorized by a court of competent jurisdiction.

    We do not give, sell, rent, share, or trade any identifiable personal information regarding our members with any third party, with the exception of third party contractors or service providers who work with AGLOCO™ to provide this service. All parties with whom we contract for such services are strictly prohibited by the terms of those contracts from any other use of the information. For more information regarding the AGLOCO™ Group of international subsidiaries, please see the Openness section of this policy.

    It is AGLOCO™'s policy to comply with reasonable warrants issued by courts to law enforcement officials. However, our policy is to oppose attempts to seek release of member information by private parties through the use of civil subpoenas. When served with a civil subpoena, our policy is to notify the specified member of the request prior to disclosure of any personal data, and to require the requesting party to seek court review of the appropriateness and sufficiency of the subpoena before we will disclose any of the requested member information.
    AGLOCO™ may share non-personal information in aggregate or summary form with its customers, partners, or other third parties.

    Individual Participation Principle adheres to the principle that our members have a right to know what type of information we maintain relating to him/her, to have communicated to him/her the data relating to him/her in a reasonable time at reasonable cost, and to challenge the accuracy of that data.

    How we deliver: AGLOCO™ provides its members with access to their account information via a secure web interface. We allow our members to correct and update that information in a timely manner, following processes designed to insure the integrity of the information.

    Personal Data recorded about members, as described in the Collection Limitation Principle section, will be provided to members upon their request, within a reasonable period of time, according to policies designed to assure the identity of the requesting party before this personal data is released. If the member discovers errors in that data, we will correct them upon request. You may update, correct, access, or delete your Personal Data in accordance with the following procedures:

    Accessing and Updating Your Personal Data Online and Offline

    You may update and correct your Personal Data by sending an email to

    You may request that a paper copy of your Personal Data be sent to you by contacting our support organization using the form at (insert URL) or by sending e-mail to
    Subject to applicable law, the release of this Personal Data may require the pre-payment of reasonable costs related to providing such information, due to the volume of data that is often involved and the costs of preparing and shipping such quantities of data.

    You may request to be sent a copy of all of your Personal Data by contacting our support organization using the form at A representative of Member Services will contact you with further information about the costs associated with retrieving and shipping that data to you.

    Objecting to Processing of Your Personal Data

    You may object at any time to our processing of your Personal Data by contacting our support organization using the membership cancellation process at (Insert URL). Upon cancellation of your account, any member benefits accrued in your account will be deemed "unearned" and will be forfeited.

    Retention of your Personal Data

    You may quit the service at any time and all Personal Data relating to you will be taken out of active use for our advertising targeting processes. Our data retention policy requires that data pertaining to former members will be retained for a reasonable period of time necessary to fulfill our service obligations to members and to comply with applicable laws, and will then be deleted according to a schedule established by AGLOCO™.
    Members are always free to quit the service and close their account by sending an email to
    Data Quality Principle adheres to the principle that any personal data collected should be relevant to the purpose for which they are used and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be kept accurate and up-to-date.

    How we deliver: As an Infomediary, the information we collect from our members is the basis upon which we obtain value on behalf of our members. Therefore, the nature of our business requires that we continuously collect data about our members. The relevance, accuracy, and currency of that information are all critical to serving the interests of our members, therefore the processes underlying this principle are a core component of our business, and adherence to this Privacy Policy is essential to the value proposition we present to our members.

    Openness Principle adheres to the principle that we should provide our members with information regarding changes in our practices and policies with respect to their personal data, providing them with reasonable opportunities to know what type of personal information we retain, the purposes of their use, and other information regarding how we adhere to the principles stated in this document.

    How we deliver: AGLOCO™ has a general policy of openness about its practices and policies regarding personal data of consumers. AGLOCO™ states in detail what personal data it collects and why it collects it. AGLOCO™ also maintains a policy of disclosing any changes to its practices and policies. Any changes to our policies or procedures that materially reduce the privacy protections encompassed therein, including any changes in corporate ownership that impact upon the promises made in this policy, will be disclosed with sufficient advance notice to allow those individuals affected to exercise informed choices regarding their personal information. is a Hong Kong corporation. All consumer data collected by AGLOCO™ is managed by Infomediary Services Corporation, a management company that AGLOCO™ has engaged to perform all management functions for AGLOCO™’s activities worldwide. The data physically resides at numerous data storage facilities around the globe according to practices and policies detailed under the Security Safeguards section of this document. We may also transfer or share your personal information as well as part of a transfer of your membership agreement to a successor organization. By becoming a Member you give your consent to this transfer of your personal data. All information collected as a result of your membership in AGLOCO™ will be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Should the Privacy Policy change in any significant way, you will be notified in advance and given an opportunity to terminate your membership and delete your data.

    For our European members, please note that AGLOCO™ stores its records in several locations around the world. To provide these services, AGLOCO™ may transfer your personal data internationally to other vendors or service providers located in other countries. Some of the countries may have laws that protect personal data, some may not. Regardless of applicable law, AGLOCO™ will protect your information according to the terms of this Privacy Policy, no matter where we process or store your data.

    Security Safeguards Principle adheres to the principle that personal data should be protected by reasonable security safeguards against the loss, unauthorized access, use, modification, or disclosure of data.

    How we deliver: AGLOCO™ has mandated that its management company employ a variety of security measures to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Whenever possible, we make use of current industry standard procedures and processes to safeguard the confidentiality of your identifiable personal information, such as firewalls, encryption, token authentication, application proxies, monitoring technology, and adaptive analysis of network traffic to track abuse of our network and its data. In some cases we may employ practices that exceed current industry standards, and in other cases we may diverge therefrom when we reasonably believe circumstances dictate doing so. Unfortunately, when you submit information about yourself to over the Internet, the information may travel over many systems that are not under the control of The Internet is not 100% secure and it is possible that others may be able to intercept the information that you are sending. While we endeavor to provide the greatest possible protection to your data, we cannot guarantee absolute security in all circumstances.

    Accountability Principle adheres to the principle that an individual should be empowered to and accountable for assuring the corporation complies with the measures that give effect to the principles stated herein.
    How we deliver: AGLOCO™ has mandated that its management company engage a Chief Privacy Officer who is responsible for ensuring that the principles stated in this policy are adhered to throughout all of the activities in which AGLOCO™ engages on behalf of its membership.

    If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact